Get philological interpretations of music performers
Music performances
The encoding is an accurate description of picthes and durations of sounds from a waveform by typographic symbols. The approximation of the encoding to ± 0,0078125 sec is to make it useful to a human being and not only for a calculator. It means you can store the philological interpretation of a piece of music from such a performer, compare it to other interpretations of the same performer from different period of his career, compare it to the interpretations of different performers on different periods, store it in a 1:1000 database space, transmit audio analysis result by messaging and voip services with low speed internet access also.

Isaac Stern
Tchaikovsky- Concerto In D Major For Violin And Orchestra, I - Allegro Moderato – F part – bars 28 to 35 - Violin, Columbia Masterworks MS 6062, March 23-24, 1958.
I.di/:D.ipd..odpod:od bDy.b:dodpD.oD>I:di. ID.wD/:Ddipdwdpw.dwd >IDi.IDw.b:diDbD.o.b:dyd Ii:DidID.w.b:Do.ID.wDI.di I.d-wDb.d-idb.doDb.dy.p.d-wd Ii:DD I.dw.b.d-ib.dob.dyp.dwD ID-.iD+p:dyd>I:didIDoI:diDI:dod I.d-w.b:do.pDoD +pD-y. b:dwdbD.y.pD.oDpD.y. >ID.i.I:Dwdb:dy bdy.
Encoding silence and electronic music
It's now possible to get and display audio analysis structures of silence and electronic music as well.